
Friday, September 5, 2008

Hopping Across My Laptop

Things are hopping across my laptop for readergirlz right now. So what does that look like? Without giving away top secret rgz diva info, this is what's boinging around.

1. First there's Operation Teen Book Drop, 2009! I just outreached to the Woodmark Pediatric Hospital group to see who's in for TBD in April. Already we have 4 hospitals signed up! Thanks to Holly Cupala for our new green version of the logo.

2. The letter to request publisher participation is drafted and ready for Dia Calhoun to run with it.

3. There's a top secret meeting on Thurs. I can't say more. Very nervy-making.

4. Nearly all the bookings are complete for our amazing Teen Read Week. Did you see the poster Holly made for us? Woot! Soon there will be a final edition with book covers and a pdf available at rgz.

readergirlz night bites YALSA Teen Read Week

4. We have the Kidlit Conference we are headed down to the end of the month where we hope to make great connections and fab rgz tv. Plus there will be a very special partaaaay. More about that soon!

5. Then Dia and I have a couple speaking gigs to prepare for. She is a wiz at Powerpoint. Yay!

6. Mitali and I are hunting down great features for rgz. Right now we are concentrating on Latina work. Very fun.

7. We are getting ready to turn around the October issue.

8. We are ordering buttons to give away. I made a new button at the Zazzle Store with the new rgz tv logo designed by Holly. It's the cutest!

9. New coolio bookmarks are on the way.

10. And we are having a blast chatting with Paula Yoo about Good Enough at the rgz MySpace group forum!

Of course, all of that is between when I'm checking Facebook to see if Justina Chen Headley is on in China. Obviously, there's a ton to talk about. And of course, now that she's settled, her new ideas for rgz will be hopping too. Boing, boing, boing!