
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jay Asher's Meme: High School Photos

Okay, thanks, Jay Asher, for this fun meme. So here I am in high school, 1982. This was actually the second photo as puff levels were exceedingly wide on the first round.

There you go. This is who I see in the mirror still. Don't you all? Hmmmm.


  1. I definitely see you, Lorie Ann. The only difference? You've added extra uber-hipness to yourself! Adorable then, adorable now. Love it! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Of course, your bright eyes and the most friendly, cheery smile haven't changed a bit! And all that hair would be a burden to a lady who is as involved in her home and the world today as you are.

    What is super cool is that your gorgeousness can be found in your daughters (Erin showed me some pics from your special night out to the theatre).

  3. That's so cute, Lorie Ann! You have this super-gorgeous eyes. I not only see you but your daughters, too. I just posted mine!

  4. Oops, I meant "these super gorgeous eyes," not just "this" eye. Goes from cute to creepy in just one letter! ;)
