
Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Shout Out: Sumner, Washington

A shout out to my hometown of Sumner! Woot!

My family and I have lived here since 1997, but we had our sights on the city since 1987. This is where we wanted to raise our family.

Sumner sits near the foot of Mount Rainier, in the valley where the White River flows into the Puyallup River. Settled in 1853 by early pioneers, the city produced hops, daffodils, rhubarb, and grasses. Sumner is still the Rhubarb Capital of the World.

It doesn't look a whole lot different from its early days. :~)

You won't find bubble tea, tabouli, or a movie theater in our town this far south of Seattle, but you will find a bit of quirkiness, a population of 9,000, and good cheer. I thought to give this shout out seeing a quote from The Seattle Times:

"Sumner so completely embodies the nostalgic ideals of small-town America, it's hard to stay long without welling up."

My homage to Sumner has been to set On Pointe in the city. And to fill Rainy Day Slug with daffodils.

There's an introduction. Feel free to stop in and visit, especially the gallery on Main Street. More coming soon...


  1. I want to move out there so bad!! If all goes well, it will be about a year!

  2. I've been trying to find a nice place to raise my family, and the Pacific Northwest seems to have exactly what I want!

  3. You made me fall in love with the place when I read On Pointe, but didn't know it was called Sumner. Thanks for sharing!
