
Wednesday, May 13, 2009

OOPS: Rainy Day Slug Hardback

I have an OOPS (Out of Print Sadly) report. But it's not so sad, which I'll explain.

My hardback print run of Rainy Day Slug has completely sold out.

There aren't even any remainders for me to snatch up. Here ends the life of the hardback, apart from those in libraries and in homes. On the good side, if you have one, they might gain value!

The great news is that the paperback did launch April 1st.

The story lives on! It's always so fun to spot this work on my ventures into Seattle.

If you visit the needle, look for a copy in the gift shop. :~) Thanks to all the slug lovers who have sustained this work! And a special thanks to author Mary Palenick Colborn. Onward!


  1. Congrats to one popular little slug! I look forward to seeing the paperback. ;)

  2. Rock on, lady - and your little slug, too! :)

  3. Oh gosh. Slug will live on. How amazing to think that every single copy sold.

    I was once in that space needle. I was nine years old. We ate dinner up there, as I recall.

  4. My little 2 year old cousin LOVED THIS BOOK. Every time mom or I sat down to read to him, he always wanted to reread this one. :)

  5. Thanks, Lorie Ann. And, thank you to everyone who loves the slug and his adventures. It's exciting to have it in paperback and exciting to have the new back flap mention how I wrote it with Mattie when she was just 5. She's 22 now and graduated last weekend from William & Mary. I love showing kids, especially kindergarteners, her original drawings for the story.
