
Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Me as a Superhero!

Holly Cupala found this fun app to make your own superhero as we are reading Cecil Castellucci's The Plain Janes over at rgz. Check out the Superhero Factory!

So here I am. Ha! I think it took into account my rheumatoid arthritis. ;~)


  1. YES! I love it! I've been cleaning out my files and email today and found myself totally missing you. This is just the hero I needed!

  2. These are so awesome and totally addictive. LW - what does it mean that you have wings??? Hmmmm (I always thought you could fly, you know!)

  3. Colleen: Whenever there's an avatar with the option of fairy wings, I TAKE IT. If fairy wings aren't available, I go with butterfly wings. :) I can't fly as is, sadly... Oddly, flying not one of the top three superhero powers I'd want, but maybe it would be fourth.

    Holly: ROCK IT! Yes, indeed, we could!
