
Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Poetry Friday: One Empty Mic

Last week I posted Beth's beautiful vlog on Vulnerability. I'm so glad I did, however, I missed writing my haiku. Who knew? So, here I am, back at it. Although I abandoned the form for the message this week.

This summer my husband and daughter formed a band for a charity event at R.E.I. They took first place! This is for them as she prepares to leave for college.

One Empty Mic

A summer swirls past,
in the lyrics of rock songs
until only her voice
echoes in the recording,
and he turns around
to sing alone.

And now I'm bawling. Catch the full roundup at Wild Rose Reader!


  1. Very sweet! The photo and poem fit together so nicely.

  2. Your daughter is beautiful. Love that she and her dad played music together. Great poem :)!
