
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Photo Friday: Vision Board for My WIP

Tada! This is my new vision board I just made for my work-in-progress. With the first draft done, I like to switch over to my right brain and explore the imagery. I'm liking this! Although my hubbie finds the lower right corner too freaky. But it fits.

Ooo. I like the guy kissing her hair. Can you make him out? Click on the image, and it will enlarge. Sweet!

*rubs hands together* Now back to the text!


  1. The bloody seal battle looks scary!

  2. I gotta admit, I am intrigued :) I can't wait to know what it is about!!

  3. Some may feel squeamish about eating it, but rabbit has a fan base that grows as cooks discover how easy they are to raise — and how good the meat tastes.
