
Friday, July 23, 2010

Poetry Friday: Glacier


A frozen blue river
stiff with cold,
crunches forward,
tears into mountains,
swallows the earth,
leaves rumbling round rocks,
in a wide, smooth bed,
to trickle into a green river
and cool my toes.

Lorie Ann Grover, 1999

This was my first published poem in Cricket Magazine, June 1999! Photo of Mt. Rainier by Emily Kay Grover.


  1. I love Cricket Magazine! And the poem is lovely - no wonder it got published. :)

  2. I remember when you came to SCBWI to speak about verse novels, and you mentioned you had first found success selling poetry to magazines and returned to it in your novels. I took away courage from those words! And look at what a beautiful mark you have made on the world.

  3. You both are so kind. :~) I'm happy you took courage, Holly. Look at you!
