
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

In the Predni-ZONE: January 2013

Logo from this blog.

I was just ready to post that my second round of prednisone broke my flare, and I had a lovely December after stepping down the dosage. Stepping involves a withdrawal, but eventually, there's a day where I recognize myself again.

In the wake of prednisone, with a compromised immune system, I found staph and strep in my finger and massive decay in one of my teeth. An unexpected, traumatic extraction followed. The following day, an oral surgeon determined that rheumatoid arthritis in my jaw is going to make soft foods my new normal. The day after, lupus erupted again.

So, here I am back in the predni-ZONE. At the high level, I'm working until 2 am and starting my day at 6:30 am. I've revised a novel, am writing another, while working on an amazing project with Dia Calhoun, and reading a pile of good books. The pace is amazing. A dear sister in CA is flaring at the same time. She recently posted this quote from C.H. Spurgeon.

"God in His providence, limits the time, manner, intensity, repetition, and effects of all our sicknesses; each throb is decreed, each sleepless hour predestined, each relapse ordained, each depression of spirit foreknown, and each sanctifying result eternally purposed. Nothing great or small escapes the ordaining hand of Him who numbers the hairs of our head. In Him I rest."

Sweet truth. That's the update. Thanks for your interest, encouragements, and prayers. Onward in grace!  


  1. You really, really inspire me Lorie!! You have pressed on through so much pain with grace. Glory to God!
    Can't wait to see you this summer.
    Love to you!

  2. Sounds like you might rename the Predni-ZONE to Creata-Zone. Hoping you recover soon!
