
Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Open Letter: It's what facebook is for, right?

I found this necessary to post on my Facebook Personal Page following the Women's March. Maybe it applies across much social media. Best to all!

Open Letter

“It’s what facebook is for, right?”

I recently posted a picture on my personal facebook page of myself in the Womxn’s March in Seattle. While I was walking, a discussion occurred on my celebratory picture about the merits and morals of the march. Many friends decided they could in no way support the act. When pointed out that I might feel shamed by their conclusions, the response was, “It’s what facebook is for, right?” In other words, you made it public with you...r picture, you opened yourself to our opinion.

When I write a novel, I open my hand and release it to the public. Across the world, it will be discussed, reviewed, ranked, praised, and disparaged. As the author, I can read the reviews or not, visit the boards or not, and choose to value or disregard the words.

On my Facebook Author Page, I post my own event news and what I find meaningful and relevant from the industry. There may be disagreement and opposing opinions, but it is regarding work I have released with the intention of discussion.

My personal page on Facebook is where I open my personal life. Here is where I share beauty I’ve seen, a hurt I’m holding, or joys in my life. I share that I marched. Friends and readers have the right to disagree. Yet, by friending me on Facebook, we are at a party together. I have just entered the room exultant, because with lupus and rheumatoid, I still was able to march. Considering the physical cost, I must have had deep reasons. At a party would you discuss among yourselves why it was wrong to march? While I’m standing there, without asking me why I did? I know these loving friends weren’t intending to hurt me. They were working out their own views. But it was on my picture.  

On a personal page, if you are able, rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who mourn. If you can’t, and you want to stay at the party, don’t say anything. And if you feel compelled to speak, fair enough. Just hold the discussion on your page. Facebook is actual community. Our shoulders are touching. I hope this helps you understand. With my love, Lorie Ann

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