
Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Dry Eyes: Solutions, Part Two

I have entered into the second stage of the strategy to aid my dry eyes from Sjogren's, Lupus, and RA. I'm sharing in the hope it might help another in a similar predicament.

After drawing 8 vials of blood at a lab in Seattle, a compounding pharmacy then withdrew the red cells and froze the blood serum for me. At $300, not covered by insurance, the supply should last 2 months. Four times a day, I use the drops to aid my sight. Initially, it was psychologically disturbing to add blood to my eyes.

So far, the drops have reduced the amount of artificial tears I use in the day. By nine in the evening, it is difficult to function again, but I've had the day to see.

Regarding the bandage contacts, they've wonderfully removed the pain of blinking as they cover the exposed nerves of the cornea. I am experiencing double-vision in close viewing. My eyes tire from compensating and feel strained. It is better than pain, goggles, and the complete loss of sight I was having earlier though!

Autologous Eye Drop Serum report from Medscape:

Autologous serum (AS) 50% eye drops appear to be safe and effective for dry eye disease in the long term, especially in patients with severe disease refractory to conventional treatment, according to findings of a retrospective cohort study published in the December issue of Cornea.

"Standard treatments for dry eye disease include the use of artificial tears and lubricating ointments, topical cyclosporine 0.05%, topical corticosteroids, and punctal occlusion," write Munira Hussain, MS, CCRP, from the Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences, W.K. Kellogg Eye Center, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, and colleagues. "However, none of these treatments supply epithelium-promoting growth factors or other essential components present in natural tears. Similar to tears, human serum contains immunoglobulins, vitamin A, fibronectin, and growth factors that promote epithelial health."

Thanks to all the researchers and pharmacists! More soon, following the next stage.


  1. I am so glad you have found something to help. Your condition had developed to the point you could not function, so this treatment is close to a miracle. Bless the doctor who recommended it, bless the scientist who developed it, and you who researched it and decided to use it despite the cost and distaste.

  2. The Common cause for dry eyes could be sjogren's syndrome and wear contact lens. Also some medication like pills for birth control or hypertension medicine also cause such problem in eyes.
