
Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Morris Award and My Pick

Thanks to the round up that I saw at both Interactive Reader and Omnivoracious:

AcurseGraceling_cover_jpeg AbsoluteMadappleMethemissing

Here are the Morris Award shortlisters!
YALSA posted the short list for the first Morris Award, the William C. Morris YA Debut Award. It will celebrate one of these debut 2008 YA books:

A Curse Dark as Gold, by Elizabeth C. Bunce
Graceling, by Kristin Cashore
Absolute Brightness, by James Lecesne
Madapple, by Christina Meldrum
Me, the Missing, and the Dead, by Jenny Valentine

My pick didn't make the cut, but I still stand by:

Looks, by Madeleine George

I'm so pleased that this award has been generated. It's fun to think back and wonder which authors would have won for their debuts.

And this new award gives me hope that one day another category will be honored by ALA: the infant-toddler book! A reason I began readertotz with Joan Holub. But that's another story.

Congrats Morris Award short listers!

1 comment:

  1. Woohoo for the board book award of the future, Lorie Ann.

    It is interesting to think of the debut authors of the past who missed out.
