
Thursday, February 5, 2009

Shout out: Cloudscome

Does everyone know of Cloudscome?

My Photo

She writes for A Wrung Sponge and frequently posts poetry and photos. I'm telling you, the poetry is beautiful and the photos are AMAZING. Check our her flickr in the sidebar for a visual delight. Or click for her flickr photostream directly. I wander through her images and find myself so uplifted.

Thanks you, Cloudscome for bringing beauty to the world!


  1. Lorie Ann you are so sweet! You've made my day today!!! :)

  2. Beautiful photos, Cloudsome - I'm partial to the cat photo, and the flowers are so bright and lovely.

  3. Her 365 photography is out of this world, isn't it?? I'm waiting for an excuse to buy a camera like hers!
