Polyvore, Lingering Lupus
Polyvore, Making My Way
This is Invisible Illness Awareness Week! The challenge is to share a facet of life, to help others understand. Just in time, I have a lupus flare. This is Day Four, and I'm out of the dark. Which is fast. I spent 2 days in a dark bedroom waiting for inflammation in my blood to drop. If I'm careful, I should continue to improve and gain strength and light toleration with each day. If I'm not careful, I'll be back in the dark room. There's always the chance that despite all efforts, I'll be back in the dark room. It's very crafty, this lupus.
So, this calls for a redefining of normal. A quieting. A slowing. A waiting. There are opportunities in each of those states. Opportunities I don't tend to take advantage of when I'm scurrying around under a UV umbrella and feeling healthy.
If my memoir places with a publishing house, I'll be happy to share all the details with you. We'll see. In the meantime, thanks for your support and patience with the chronically ill. We appreciate the understanding. May we be able to support you soon!
#ThisisChronicIllness #InvisibleIllness
1 comment:
Thanks for sharing Lori! I didn't know it continued to flare with you. I have at least two other friends that have had Lupus, one lost her kidneys to it. I will be praying for you!! We love you.
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