My trip to California was fantastic! So much writing done and a bit of time to tour the city. Do you see the tiny Hollywood sign behind El and I?

I found Johnny Depp's handprints and bootprints. Awesome possum! I'm not going to think of how many people like me put their hands into the concrete. Although that could be why they are black, right?

Grauman's Chinese Theater was more beautiful than I expected.

And the stars went on so long down the street! I found many of my favs including Jim Henson's star!
Many thanks to my dear friends Dani and Arden for hosting me and El. They fed us delicious food night after night and let me write undisturbed. Friends for life!

And of course El had a blast with her friend Abby! Beach buddies, 2008!

I do believe I'll even miss the Japanese beetles. And Dani screaming in panic and running inside. :~)
Such great California memories. Now to my email which is piled high!
Fun fun. :) I've been on the Walk of Fame, but not to the Chinese Theater...someday!
I was just there a few weeks ago :) I stood outside the chinese theater.
I am so happy you have a blogspot now :)
I'm glad you had so much fun! It was nice to see your lovely photos!
I just keep missing you, Georgia! I'm happy to be on blogspot, too!
Thanks, Amber!
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