Books by Lorie Ann Grover

Books by Lorie Ann Grover
Kirkus Starred Review, Firstborn: "A fantasy that reads like a lost history tome and deftly examines issues of gender...An engrossing story with welcome depths."

Friday, February 10, 2012

Poetry Friday: Dry Bones

dry bones wait among
the beauty of fluttering 
leaves, turning pages

image and haiku, Lorie Ann Grover, 2012

1 comment:

laurasalas said...

Oh--I adore the brevity and intensity of this haiku. I admit I'm a lover of very brief poetry. When I click on a poem and see stanza after stanza of words, I often think, I would just read a book of prose if I wanted to read this much. Long poems just don't cut it for me--I miss the condensing that happens in short poems that is what, imo, makes them poems. (It's ironic that I'm rambling as I dis long poems, isn't it?) Anyway, all this is to say that I loved these dry bones and fluttering leaves and turning pages. So much texture and movement in so few words!