What does it take to fly with the Trifecta: Lupus, Sjogren's, and Rheumatoid Arthritis? On my recent flight to and from Kauai, I made a mental note to post this info. Maybe it will be helpful to someone else. Here goes:
First up is KT tape for tendons, as I have to lift and carry bags.
Refresh Plus to combat the dry plane air.
An eye patch for when the drops don't hack it.
Lidoderm Patches are great for lower back spasms.
A lacrosse ball is another way to chase spasms away.
An Empi Electrotherapy Device in case things go downhill quickly.
Ankle braces, hopefully on after security or I have to take them off.
A walking stick is super helpful. Mine's collapsible from REI. It fits in the overhead bin.
Naproxyn and backup pain meds, of course.
I think that's it! If I've forgotten a tip, I'll add it in the comments. Otherwise, Aloha and safe travels!
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