Holly Cupala, Dia Calhoun, and I are back from the Kidlitosphere Conference in Portland, Oregon! What an absolute blast. Laine Taylor and Jone MacCulloch were amazing hosts. Thank you, ladies!

Here's Laine. Is her hair awesome, or what?

Dia Calhoun and I were asked to speak on the opening panel with Alice Pope, Betsy Bird, and Mark Blevis. We argued over how permeable the skin of the blogosphere really is and laughed quite a bit.
I met so many people made of awesome. But I have to say a highlight was hanging with the AMAZING Colleen Mondor of Chasing Ray. I'm serious. Who is more brilliant? We talked for HOURS. :~) And does everyone realize she is a super mom? I'm completely inspired by her dedication and selflessness.

It was a blast getting to meet Mark Blevis after he had so graciously interviewed me for Just One More Book last year. How fun to put a face with a voice.
Just wanted to get a few photos up. How did I get away without a photo with Lee Wind? What a gracious spirit that guy has! I have so much more to share: Holly Cupala's celebration, highlight notes, and Voodoo Donuts. More soon!
Hi Lorie Ann! It was wonderful to meet you and Dia, and to learn more about the awesomeness of Readergirlz. Thank you for participating in our opening panel. I think everyone was really inspired by the unique and wonderful community you "divas" have created.
Hope to see you for the Twilight extravaganza!
Oh, and I posted a really nice pic of you and Dia and Holly on my latest post.
It was so much fun to hang out with you again, Lorie Ann!
Hey Lorie Ann,
The reason you have no photo of me is that I was traveling incognito. Um, actually, not really. It was so amazing getting to hang out with you, and get to really appreciate the awesomeness and collective genius of the Readergirlz empire. (how's that for talking you up?) I feel really fortunate at having so many new friends and colleagues, and to count you in that group. And thanks for the jelly beans... they helped me last until almost 2am, chatting and schmoozing and having so much fun!
Namaste and a hug,
Hey, Lorie Ann! So fun. And great. And fabulous. It was to see you this weekend! I kept meaning to tell you how much I loved your boots! Hope to see you in the city soon!
Great pictures! It was fabulous to meet you and the Readergirlz and bask in everyone's enthusiasm about books and blogging. What a wonderful group!
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