One of the BEST perks of being an author is having the opportunity to meet other authors. Recently, Dia and I received an invite in our rgz MySpace inbox to have lunch with Robin Hobb! Yes, that amazing New York Times Bestseller of adult fantasy who happens to live in our area. Robin Hobb!
Here Dia and I are with Robin at the restaurant. It was great fun comparing our writing history and how writing for adults differs from writing for children. Seriously, rgz, Robin's work is sold and shelved as adult, but with teen protagonists, I know you'd love diving into her worlds!
Dia will be bringing an interview with Robin to rgz soon. So stay tuned.
We had amazing food during this fun time. Is this "Swimming Lady" not gorgeous? Yay for me for trying something new.
One more pleasure was getting to meet Robin's daughter Kat Ogden who is heading up her own film company, Sabotage & Dialogue Productions. She was energetic and full of enthusiasm for her own work, her mom's, and her family. I hope to have an interview with her for our rgz. Definitely a gutsy woman making a stand in her field. And she's offered to do visual work for our group! I'm thinking TBD 09. Wahoo!
Delicious food, fantastic conversation! I had a blast!
Sounds fun! So what is the green mound in the middle of the plate?
It's spinach, Vivian!
Wow, I'm totally jealous!
I know, like right. :~)
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