Books by Lorie Ann Grover

Books by Lorie Ann Grover
Kirkus Starred Review, Firstborn: "A fantasy that reads like a lost history tome and deftly examines issues of gender...An engrossing story with welcome depths."

Thursday, March 6, 2025


Hey all,

I'm sorry to say that Facebook has suspended my account as a nefarious Instagram user connected to my Facebook profile. My personal page, author profile, and book pages have been removed. I have appealed repeatedly with several emails, however, there is no response. There is no Facebook help desk, no support service, and no assistance for the situation. The "download your content button" is inoperative.

I have lost 18 years of documentation, photos, and over 4,000 industry connections. Please know, you can find me here or eventually on Blue Sky, and my Instagram is still active. Go figure. 

In this challenging, changing industry, I'm still seeking publication for my YA and middle grade novels. I am publishing poetry and hope to have a chapbook, eventually. I am working with Scholastic and will have two board books to announce soon. 

Facebook invites me to start a new profile which seems ridiculous at this point. Seriously, Zuckerberg?

Onward! Best to each, Lorie Ann