Books by Lorie Ann Grover

Books by Lorie Ann Grover
Kirkus Starred Review, Firstborn: "A fantasy that reads like a lost history tome and deftly examines issues of gender...An engrossing story with welcome depths."

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Poetry Friday: Time for Love

Time for Love

Time for Love by lorieanngrover on Polyvore

Time for Love

A time for soft love
swaying in the calm current,
a rising light sphere.

Lorie Ann Grover, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015



Jump Start Your Creative Writing

I just had a kind reader ask for inspiration to jump start her writing after being away from the creative outlet for a bit. This is definitely a recurring circumstance for me as I step away from novel writing for marketing or board book noodling. So, here's my short response in case it might help another:

I suggest immersing yourself in someone else's writing. That will prime the pump first. Then imitating their work can get the words flowing. Riff off someone else's poem or song or painting and title it "After Van Gogh's Starry Night," etc.
A book like Poemcrazy can give you exercises to work through. And you might find strong poetry emerging in the midst of the read.
For longer works, say a novel, I listen for what makes me angry. Addressing that injustice or falsity is enough to fuel a 2+ year project for me. i.e. gendercide: Firstborn; or losses happen, so how do we dream again (versus Sesame Street/Barney saying we CAN be whatever we want if we try hard enough):On Pointe. There has to be a life truth I'm standing on to drive the work.
Reading, imitating, exercises, pondering what you care about at an emotional level will jump start you for sure. Write what you have lived.

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Happy National Photo Month!

Happy National Photo Month to everyone! I'm honored to be included in this excellent collection of poetry, highlighting celebrations: The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations. The contributors and compilers have created a treasure to inspire appreciation for poetry and days of joy.

Here is my poem to enjoy as you click those selfies this month!

Selfie by Lorie Ann Grover

You can visit Poetry Celebrations to see 12 more things to party about in May. Shout out to Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell for editing, supporting, and impacting the world through poetry!

The Poetry Friday Anthology for Celebrations
Teacher/Librarian Edition
Children's Edition
edited by Janet Wong and Sylvia Vardell
Pomelo Books, 2015