Books by Lorie Ann Grover

Books by Lorie Ann Grover
Kirkus Starred Review, Firstborn: "A fantasy that reads like a lost history tome and deftly examines issues of gender...An engrossing story with welcome depths."

Monday, September 18, 2017

Dry Eyes: Solutions, Part Four

Blue stain from testing

After LipiFlow Treatment, blood serum drops, and wearing bandages, I've reached a plateau. Which means, amniotic fluid eye drops. I'll post again when they arrive in their cooler, and I've used them for a period. I'm going to share average costs, so far, as it might be helpful to others considering dry eye treatment. The list is aside from the doctor visits which are covered by insurance and fitting prescription lenses to goggles. 

LipiFlow: $1,400
Measurements after LipiFlow: $140, a year
Bandages: $100, a month
Blood Serum Drops: $340, 3 times a year
Amniotic Fluid Drops: $500, a month
Oil Vitamins: $30, a month

My eyes may need LipiFlow to be repeated this year. When these treatments can be measured, repeatedly, as effective, it is wrong insurance will cover nothing. Eye sight is lost by those who can't afford these solutions.

Here's to health care that can, one day, care for all. 

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