Celebrations for Stephanie Hemphill and her recent work The Language of Fire! The Printz Honor Winner has reimagined the life of Joan of Arc for today's reader. In lyrical verse, we follow the young, illiterate peasant as she leads an army to victory at the cost of her life. With an infectious bravery, single-mindedness, and passion, here is an example for all.
"The only sound
piercing the smoky air
is the scream of a girl
named Jehanne.
I became so much more."
Hemphill's words resonate as they bring Joan's truth forward:
"One life is all we have
and we live it
as we believe in living it
that to sacrifice what you are
and to live without belief
that is a fate more terrible
than dying."
In the concluding Author's Note, we are called.
"This generation has embraced and championed awareness. Joan found a way to action. Combine awareness and action without repercussion and there is not only forward movement, but a tectonic shift."
May it be so.
Finishing this treasure, I was completely surprised and honored to find my name in the acknowledgements.
Find this beauty. Share it. Let us hear our own higher purpose and march forward together.
by Stephanie Hemphill
Balzer + Bray, 2019
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